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Letterheads, Invoices, Envelopes & Business Cards

Examples of different types of stationery consisting of invoices, letterheads, envelopes and business cards used by Bavarian Brewing Co., are displayed and briefly discussed below. They are general presented chronologically.  Of particular interest are the  letterheads that were used in each of the decades after the brewery was incorporated in 1890, until Prohibition began in 1919. In particular, the lithographs shown on the invoices and stationery for this period were helpful in establishing the buildings and appearance of the brewery complex at that time. These lithographs were enlarged and used to describe specific buildings in the History section for the Early Riedlin and Later Riedlin Years.


PRE-PROHIBITION STATIONARY (Letterheads, Invoice & Envelope)

C. 1890s. Letterhead used by Bavarian Brewing Co. in the 1890s included the name of the founder and President, William Riedlin, the brewmaster and Vice President, Anton Ruh, and the Secretary and Treasurer, J. H. Kruse. 

c. 1900. This letterhead shows a lithograph the Bavarian Brewery as it existed in the beginning of the 20th Century, which expanded considerably from the previous decade.

1907.  Shown is an invoice statement with a lithograph of the brewery complex as it existed during the invoice date, and as it also appeared several years earlier. The images on this invoice are very similar to those on the c. 1900 letterhead located above.  The invoice is to Engineers Union #18 and involves both a debit and credit, with a stamp showing the invoice was paid.

1910. The lithograph shown on the letterhead and invoice above was also used on Bavarian's envelopes, as shown by the example below. The name of the brewery and its location was added above image on the envelope. This same illustration was also used on postcards, as displayed on Postcards and Posters. However, this lithograph, created around 1900, was actually no longer accurate as indicated by the year on the cancellation stamp. This is because the brewery had replaced the first two buildings shown along the street and added various buildings by 1910, as more accurately shown by the lithograph on the letterhead below.

c. 1912. The Bavarian Brewery continued to expand in the early 1900s, as exhibited by a new lithograph on the letterhead below. The brewery complex below at first may seem similar to the image in the previous letterhead above. But upon a closer view, most of the buildings on the earlier lithograph are situated on the lower right of the newer lithograph, with newer buildings shown to the left and in the back. Another change in the letterhead below is that son of William Riedlin, Sr., William Jr.,(in about 1906) replaced Anton (Tony) Ruh as the Vice President. However, Ruh remained the brewmaster for Bavarian until he passed away in 1917. His son Joseph Ruh succeeded his father as the brewmaster.

1915. Shown is a copy of a letter that was signed by William Riedlin, Sr., on September 18, 1915. It expressed condolences to the relatives of an acquaintance of Riedlin. This image was provided courtesy of Dave Gausepohl.
