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1946 - 1956

​With the end of WWII, service men returned back to the U.S., most eager to obtain jobs and have families. It was the start of a generation of children that became known as the Baby Boomers. Along with a strong economy after the war, more people were drinking beer and Bavarian was able to expand. 

The Introduction of Bavarian's Old Style Beer With A New Slogan

To be more competitive with other local brewers, Bavarian decided to modify their marketing. In early 1946 they changed the name of their Bavarian Master Brand Beer to Bavarian's Old Style Beer. One of the first ads for this beer is shortly after WWII while beer ingredients were still in somewhat short supply, as shown below left.  The main slogan with the introduction of this brand was "It's A Man's Beer." It may not be appropriate today, but in the late 1940's and early 1950's the vast majority of beer drinkers were men and the advertising agency that Bavarian used came up with this slogan. For its time, and over several years, this slogan was very successful.  

Sports Are Emphasized

"It's a MAN's SPORT" was used in conjunction with "It's A MAN'S BEER." Shown directly below are ads from early 1947.  Bavarian sponsored various broadcasts involving sports and a couple of these are shown in these ads. 

In late 1947 Bavarian modified its borderless ads by having them framed. A couple of these are displayed below. However, a few years later, these ads changed the saying "It's a Man's Sport! A Man's Beer!" to simply "A Man's Sport!" A Man's Beer!"

From 1947 through 1952 Bavarian ran some smaller ads than than those shown above that not only featured "A Man's Sport", but occasionally "A Man's Job." Some examples of these are shown below. They were usually displayed in the Sports section of local newspapers.